There are many different options when it comes to choosing a material for your roof.
One of these is polycarbonate.
This type of roofing material is often seen on structures such as conservatories, skylights, and canopies, but does have many other uses.
But why do so many people choose polycarbonate sheets for their roof?
Well, we’ve created this guide to answer just that question.
Let’s take a look
Most of us will have seen polycarbonate roofing at some point in our life but may not know what it is straight away.
The term polycarbonate refers to its main material. The manufacturing process is complex, and you can read more in our guide on how polycarbonate is made here.
The final result is a lightweight yet durable roofing material. One of the key elements of polycarbonate roofing is the fact that it is translucent, which makes it ideal for structures where you want to let natural light in.
There are many variations to polycarbonate roofing that you can buy, with options on different colours, finishes, and thickness of the item in question.
One of the reasons polycarbonate roofing can be used across so many different structures is because it is lightweight.
When manufactured, multi-wall sheets are created that are separated by gaps known as flutes. While this increases the strength of the material, it also reduces the weight.
While the polycarbonate is relatively light weight it is still used on very strong heavy commercial and industrial buildings, and has many great features, including the fact it is safer to handle than glass, despite its low weight.
While this roofing material is lightweight, it is still durable.
Not only is it tough against impact, but it is also well coped for dealing with extreme weather conditions.
In the UK, when weather can be freezing and can also be very hot, this makes it a great choice.
If something does hit the roof, polycarbonate roof rarely cracks or smashes as glass may do, which makes it a good choice if you’re looking for something long-term and tough to protect the space underneath it.
If you plan on sitting under your polycarbonate roofing, such as in a conservatory, then you will benefit from the protective UV coating that often comes with it.
This helps to filter out harmful rays from the sun that could cause you damage if you are exposed to them for long enough.
It is also beneficial to objects such as plants and furniture that may be in direct sunlight as it can help to avoid them being damaged
or harmed by the rays.
Polycarbonate is a material that doesn’t transfer heat easily. This makes it proficient at getting the temperature in the area underneath your roof to a comfortable point when in the right conditions.
It’s multi wall structure which we mentioned earlier act as insulating pockets. The air that is trapped in these tiny gaps work to slow down heat transfer, which is perfect for both extremes of weather.
Some items also come with extra coatings which can reflect infrared radiation and ensure the amount of heat absorbed into the roof is reduced and the inside of your home is kept cooler.
Polycarbonate is a tough material that should be seen as a great investment.
Due to the nature of the polycarbonate material, it has many qualities that mean it can perform its job to a high level for many years.
Firstly, it is durable and tough against impact damage. This means most knocks or bangs won’t cause major breakage.
It is also strong against the outside elements and won’t discolour quickly.
A key element of this type of roof is its translucent nature, and with polycarbonate, you should maintain good levels of translucency for a long period of time, rather than it yellowing.
Something that is always important in construction is cost.
Polycarbonate roofing is a great choice for someone with one eye on their bank balance.
For example, a metre square of 10mm polycarbonate from The Glazing Shop will cost just over £16. This means that you should be able to cover a small roof for less than £100.
While the cost is low, there is no drop in quality, and as mentioned throughout this article, you can maintain a high level of performance and aesthetic appeal despite the low cost.
When it comes to installing polycarbonate roofing, it can be a simple task.
Firstly, transporting and handling the material is much easier than glass, as it is much less prone to damage and a lot lighter so easier to carry. It is easily installed with glazing bars to hold the sheets in place. If you are working on a small roof and have the appropriate skills and knowledge to do it, you can have your roof up and working in less than a day.
If you would like to use polycarbonate roofing on your property, then why not head over to The Glazing Shop to see our full range of products and accessories.
We have a wide range of different items, varying in thickness, as well as colour, transparency level, and even offer polycarbonate armed with some great heat guarding features.
We can send you polycarbonate sheets that are measured to a precise dimension (the industry cutting tolerance is +/- 5mm), so you can always be sure you have the perfect fit for the job at hand.
Want to know more? Then get in touch with our team today who would be glad to help.
In the meantime, why not check out our blog for more tips and advice.